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Story of Aeropress


Story of Aeropress

Make a sweet and rich cup of coffee like a professional barista with a portable and lightweight Aeropress wherever you are!


Aeropress was designed by Stanford University engineer and lecturer Alan Adler in 2005. The method is similar to a French press, but the drink is very light and clean, thanks to the paper filter. Aeropress is the most practical of all the alternative coffee brewing tools. You can take it with you on a picnic, work, or use it at home.

Brewing Methods

There are traditional and inverted ways to make coffee in an Aeropress.

Classic brewing

In the classic version, the construction is placed on the mug with the filter down. Previously, the bottom of the cylinder is covered with a perforated lid and a filter. Put the coffee in, pour a portion of hot water at a temperature of 88-94° C and press with a piston. The coffee grounds remain on the filter, and the coffee is in the cup.

Inverted brewing

In the inverted method, the Aeropress is placed with the piston down. Brew the coffee in a flask, cover it with a filter, and turn it over to pour the coffee into the mug.

The only problem with the Aeropress is that you can’t keep coffee in it for more than 4 minutes – then it starts to lose its taste and aroma.

And remember that there is always space for experimentation – try different grains, change the size of the grind or water temperature. Aeropress, like Vietnamese coffee, can be prepared on ice, so you get a fragrant and refreshing drink.


Aeropress is very easy to clean – remove the black cover, press the piston, and throw away the “tablet”.