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Another Top 3 Brewing Methods For Home (Delter Press, Moka Pot, Hario Mugen)


Another Top 3 Brewing Methods For Home (Delter Press, Moka Pot, Hario Mugen)

If you were asked 10 years ago what kind of coffee you’d prefer to take, most likely you would choose nothing but espresso. Today, with dozens of alternative brewing devices, it is becoming difficult for us to make a choice. You can go for the Purover or French press, but how do you know it's the best without trying all the rest devices? We continue to introduce you to alternative ways of brewing coffee at home.

Delter Press - New Coffee Machine From Australia

Delter Press is a big syringe where you can find a screw-on filter holder with a replaceable filter instead of a needle. The main trick of the Delter Press is to separate the coffee and water before brewing. Thus, the body of the device is divided into two reservoirs: water and coffee. Here is a short instruction:

  • Heat the water to 95 degrees;
  • Put the paper filter in the holder;
  • Fill with 200 ml of water (there is a mark on the body of the device.);
  • Raise the piston to the desired level and sell the water through the coffee.

You can experiment with water temperature, brewing time (for example, press slower or faster), and grinding size.

What Is Moka Pot?

Moka Pot, or geyser coffee device, is a coffee pot that has become widely known worldwide. It is most prevalent in Europe, especially in Italy, where Moka is present in almost every home.

The classic Moka coffee machine uses the same principle of operation as an ordinary kettle placed on the stove. The traditional design is easy to handle and can suit everyone. Also, today, there are many different designs and improvements of Moka.

Hario Mugen

This dripper funnel is also called a Purover, Hario, and v60. Coffee professionals and coffee lovers most often choose this device for the opportunity to experiment and the ability to brew delicious and balanced coffee. Create your ideal! Take this advice:

  • Heat the water and bring it almost to a boil.
  • Weigh and grind the beans. For every 100 ml of water, you need 7-9 grams of coffee.
  • Put a cup, glass, or mug for the finished drink on the scales, place a dripper on it, put a paper filter in the funnel.
  • Load up your machine with water and ground coffee.
  • Slowly pour the water into the center of the funnel.

We hope this material was helpful, and you chose what you like or decided to switch to something new. As more and more ways of brewing coffee are invented, the list will be updated.