Perfect Moose is the smart, automated foamer which takes over for the busy barista, rescues the untrained and gives your customers a true treat worth coming back for. Using any liquid you like.

READY. Pour your liquid of choice into the smart pitcher
SET. Place the pitcher onto the foamer
FOAM. Don’t. Do. Anything. The recipe starts running
ENJOY. Take off, pour & spoil those customers


Foaming takes a lot of skill, time, feel and practice. Rely on Perfect Moose’s smart technology to give you that extra pair of barista hands when needed. No training involved.

Don’t settle for poor quality milkfoam or boring push-button uniformity. Perfect Moose copies true barista movements & sends you on a unique taste trip with each pitcher you pour. Choose your own milks & mixes and experience the freedom to experiment, vary your menu, buy local…& get real (milk).